Soil Sensor Platform Provides High Definition Field Scan

soil sensor reading nutrient levels in soil

The Veris® U3 uses three sensors to create affordable, high resolution soil pH, organic matter and soil texture (EC) maps behind a UTV.

“Growers and their advisors have been asking us to develop a sensor platform that makes the best soil maps possible and they also wanted the platform to be pulled by a UTV,” said Eric Lund, president of Veris Technologies. “We’re excited to provide a solution that requires a lower total investment and greatly expands the mapping window.

Lund noted that the Veris® U3 was designed for speed and simplicity while maintaining the precision expected of their on-the-go sensors. The lower horsepower and hydraulic requirements allow it be powered by a UTV, reducing the price tag and complexity of detailed soil mapping. Low draft from the platform also contributes to fast field coverage, with upwards of 400 acres mapped in a single day.

“After seeing the U3 speed across the field while still collecting quality data, I quickly saw how this tool can help me serve growers in my area,” said Cory Gilbert, a owner of On Target Ag Solutions and Pioneer Encirca Certified Service Agent. “We’ve already put Veris data to use writing seeding scripts, managing pH and much more. Now with the more accessible U3, I can provide these types of solutions on more acres with savings for myself and the grower.”

The platform uses patent-pending electrical, infrared and electro-chemical sensors to collect data on three key soil characteristics.

  • To measure pH, the SpeedRead™ pH module is programmed to sense the UTV slowing and stopping. Proprietary ion-selective electrodes ruggedized for in-field sensing take a subsurface reading of the soil pH in 8-10 seconds. This speed allows mappers to create pH maps and lime prescriptions with up to four times the resolution of a 2.5 acre grid and at a fraction of the cost.

  • A new sensor module houses an infrared soil optical sensor used to map organic matter. This dual-wavelength color measurement below the surface determines differences in organic matter levels.

  • An electrical conductivity (EC) disc array investigates deep into the rooting zone to determine important components of productivity like soil texture, water-holding capacity, and rooting depth. These features have significant impact on productivity and therefore management decisions.

“A recent study from six Corn Belt states revealed that Veris maps made a 41% improvement over 2.5 acre grids and 58% improvement over SSURGO soil survey maps.” added Lund. “Whether creating variable rate seeding prescriptions, putting lime exactly where it’s needed, or improving nitrogen management, when you miss variability you miss profitability. The Veris® U3 allows growers to manager each sub-acre to its full potential.”

About Veris - Veris Technologies is a pioneer and recognized leader in helping map and manage soil variability. Located in Salina, Kansas, the company manufactures and markets the world’s first and most widely adopted on-the-go soil sensing technology—designed to help growers and their advisors improve profitability by mapping soil variability. Founded in 1996, the company has helped farmers, ag professionals, and researchers in 48 countries and 44 U.S. states better understand their growing conditions. For more information, contact Veris Technologies at

Originally Published April 05, 2016.


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